Marangu route 5 days/6 nights

Day 1:
After an early morning pick up from your hotel in Moshi or Arusha will drive to the Marangu Gate.  We will spend 1-2 hours at the Park Headquarters at Marangu Gate for registration, payment of fees and final packing.  After as somewhat leisurely walk you will arrive in Mandara, hopefully avoiding the rain showers that sometimes fall in the afternoon. From the gate, you ascend a cleared ridge trail, formerly a vehicle track to Mandara Hut. The cleared trail is the fastest way to Mandara, but opportunities to see wildlife or enjoy the forest are limited due to the heavy foot traffic.
An alternative is to ascend along the parallel forest trail and descend on the main trail. The forest trail branches off to the left, a few minutes after the gate, and follows the edge of a stream through the undergrowth. About halfway (1 1/2 hrs from the gate) you can choose to cross the stream and rejoin the main trail, or continue on the forest trail. Both trails continue on opposite sides of the stream, merging about one hour before Mandara Hut.
Day 2:
From Mandara Hut the trail passes through a short stretch of forest and skirts the base of Maundi Crater, crosses a meadow and a wooded stream, then emerges into grassland. It is well worth the short detour to scramble up to the rim of Maundi Crater for a superb view of the mountain and its surroundings.  The trail crosses numerous moorland ravines before ending at Horombo Hut, which is set in a rocky valley with a fine stand of giant senecios.
Day 3:
From Horombo Hut there are two trails to the Saddle. The right fork is very stony and eroded, but is the most direct route to the Saddle and Mawenzi. From the Saddle (about 2 hrs from Horombo), there are trails to Mawenzi Hut (1/2hr) or Mawenzi Tarn Hut (2 1/2 hrs) and across the length of the Saddle to Kibo Hut (3 hrs). The left fork from Horombo Hut is an easier trail and emerges on the Saddle much closer to Kibo and about one kilometer from Kibo Hut.
Day 4:
The trail to the summit lies directly behind Kibo Hut, to the west. It is normal to start this day’s climb at 2 am or earlier.
There are three reasons to do this: to see the sun rise over Mawenzi from the top of Kibo, the loose stone scree is frozen —making it easier to climb, and you can get back in good time. The first part is an uneven trail which leads to the Hans Meyer Cave, a good rest point. After that, the trail makes more regular switchbacks most of the way to the top, with a last scramble over rocks to Johannes Notch and Gilman’s Point. From there, the trail continues along the rim past Stella Point to Uhuru Peak. As you descend the scree from the rim back to Kibo Hut, it is tempting to run fast, but this can result in clouds of irritating dust and even unpleasant falls. The return to Horombo Hut will seem surprisingly fast compared to the ascent.
Day 5:
Descend from Horombo Hut. You can easily make Mandara Hut by lunchtime, and continue to the Park gate and Marangu in the afternoon.  We will meet you and return you to your hotel…for that long awaited hot shower.

Marangu route

Mandara Hut – 2700 m.
This is a group of comfortable, wooden A-frame huts. The largest cabin has a downstairs dining area and an upstairs dormitory with bunk beds and mattresses; smaller huts sleep 8 each.  The total capacity is 60. Water is piped into site from springs above and flush toilets are behind the main cabin.

Horombo Hut – 3720 m.
The buildings are similar to Mandara, but total capacity is 120. Water is piped from the stream behind the huts. Do not use this stream or its valley as a waste disposal area. There are platform toilets south-east of main hut, about 80 m down the slope and new flush toilets have been built within the complex of small huts.

Kibo Hut – 4700 m.
This stone built block house with a small dining-room and a number of dormitory rooms leading off a main corridor has bunk beds and mattresses for 60 people. Water: None, so we bring an adequate supply from the ‘Last Water’ stream above Horombo Hut. Platform toilets are behind the hut (to the southwest).

All huts are fairly basic and heavily used, but they provide more comfort than sleeping in a tent.  All other routes up Kilimanjaro use backpacking tents.

Packege includes

• all park fees
• salaries of guides/porters/cook
• all meals on the mountain
• equipment
• transfer to/from Arusha or Moshi
Discounts can also be arranged for larger groups.
Not included:
tips and items of a personal nature


Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut: 3-4 hrs (The forest trail is slower)
Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut: 5-7 hrs
Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut: 5-6 hrs
Kibo Hut to Giliman’s Point: 5-6 hrs
Gilman’s Point to Uhuru Peak: 1-2 hrs